I'm trying to recover the flight mission records of Cpt William R. Merritt, my father. He flew B-17s and at the end of WW2 he was discharged as a Captain. My father passed 47 years ago and his records are missing. I understand I need to ask the webmaster what B-17 bombardment squadron my Father was in during WW2? I have a photo that did narrow it down to the Eighth Air Force and possibly the 612th, 613th, or 614th SQD. I think he might of been in the 612th or 613th Bombardment Squadron because I do only see a SSG William E. Merritt in the 614th. I do not believe it was him. I too am a retired Captain from the US. Army and want to pass this information to my grandchildren. Regards, CPT James A. Merritt Sr (303)472-1328 jamit793@gmail.com
My sister wrote a v-mail 5 yrs ago (about John, J., J.J. Hood 749th bomb sqdr.) and guess she never checked back. A reply said to contact the webmaster. How do I do that? Thanks. Cathy
I would like any information about a mission that my father Dale S Jeffers (Lt. then Capt_ flew for the 457th in which his plane was severely damaged but he was able to get it back to base. I do not know which mission it was, would llike to know details including crew and any injuries/deaths that occurred in the plane. Nancy Schleich
If you have any other info. at at, such as name of the plane, years and months of service or what bomb group you father flew with, it would possibly help greatly in finding out more about that particular mission. There is a lot of information out there if you have something to go on and the time to dig. Write back with any further information you have.
If fees for the reunion in New Orleans were paid, would they be refunded if attendance was not possible? Also, will there be transportation provided to the WW2 museum from the hotel? Thanks.
GLATTON 2004 - Memorial Good day all. You may remember the Dedication to the Memorial at Glatton, UK which was filmed by myself in 2004. Hard to believe that was 15 years ago.... OK It's online... please watch - short version... https://www.facebook.com/mark.windsorhampton/videos/622687061585007/ Thank you to everyone involved
Hello. I'm looking for any information on what role, if any, the 457th Bomb Group may have played in Operation Frantic, (the shuttle bombing missions the 8th and 15th flew to Russians bases and back). I have a suspicion that my Grandfather, Donald C. Lengeman may have participated in one mission but so far can't find any records of the 457th participating. Any information appreciated.
Several years ago I found the picture photos on your website of the bomber crews of WWII. My father, 1st LT Benjamin Hoyt DeLoach,was the pilot of a B-17 Bomber of the 457th bomb group (H) who flew 29 bombing missions over Europe. His picture has been mislabeled as Benjamin J. Hoyt and every time I see that, it breaks my heart. This is not to take anything away from Benjamin J Hoyt, who is also listed, I believe in the War records, but I'm sure he nor his family would want this picture incorrectly identified as him when it is not. We have this picture at home and I can assure you the pilot is my father. I would greatly appreciate it if one day before I die (I am 70 years old) I could look at this page and see my father's name. I wish him to have the honor he deserves. Thank you, Sincerely Dr. Susan June DeLoach Allen
Hi, I’m seeking information about FO Kenneth R. Wall, 749th squadron, KIA March 21, 1945. Any information please send to ealmeter@gmail.com.
Hi, I am writing a book on the 457thth stay at Glatton 19444-45, please could I use some of your photo's I will post you in the acknowledgements, I am a member of the 8th Air Force Historical Society and a author and historian, and have wrote several books on 8th Air Force Groups in the UK. thank you Robin Dodson. email robin.les@hotmail.co.uk
I would like to buy your book about the 457th at Glatton. Nancy Schleich schleich.1@osu.edu
AMERICAN LEGION POST 464 LAND O LAKES, WISCONSIN Seeking information of Lt Roy Kirk Jr. 457 Squadron. Listed North Sea/Tyrrhenian sea. Our Post has him named as one of 3 WWII Veterans. Looking for any information. Information on hand is that he is listed as KIA Illinois. Cook County based records. 906-544-2005 roadkill4me@aol.com
Hi, Am conducting research and writing a book about Lt John B Parker and Lt George E. Parker who flew with the 749thBS and 748thBS respectively. John was a navigator on the crew of Ray Hedrick and George was co-pilot on the crew of John Lindholm. John Parker flew from July 44-Feb 45. George flew from Feb 45-May 45. Looking for any photos and other materials (letters, reports, videos, unit records, articles) that include information about John Parker, or George Parker or their crews. On the old website I have seen one crew picture (w/John Parker) as well as load listings for all their missions. Also interested in any memorabilia from the 457th BG and RAF Glatton. Please contact me at any time. (703)901-0732 rchapin61@gmail.com Thanks, Mark Chapin USAF ret.
Hello, I am seeking any information available on the G.I.Virgin 2, s/n 42-32098 and specifically it's crash landing in Belgium on Oct 2, 1944. I know that the raid was on Kassle and that the pilot was Lt. James Franklin. My grandfather, Donald C. Lengeman was the co-pilot and my family is planning a trip to Belgium in June 2019. We would love to see the town where my Grandfather crashed. I was told years ago on the 457th message board by a gentleman in Belgium that the crash was in Buzet, Belgium and he even made reference to a museum and some papers but the language barrier was too great to get too much information. Any information that anyone has about this plane, crew or crash will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Chris Lengeman
Request info on two of your alumni (pilots), John Welch and Clayton Bejot: What awards & decorations did each receive? Air Medals? DFC? Higher? Thanx for any help here. Von_L
I am searching for information on LT Clifford Hendrickson..I am a cousin and we have never heard his story until just recently doing a family history any help would be great photo his story thank you Sandy Hendrixson- Ruppel
I am writing to find out what happened to all the pictures that used to be on the website. I am specifically looking for pictures of my father, Richard M. Herbert, Communications Officer at Glatton. There used to be several of him on the website. Now there is only the one officer's portrait. The ones I am looking for were labeled with his name. Thanks for anyone's help.
Hi Teri, would you please contact me: webmaster457thbombgroup@outlook.com Thank you, Erwin
Dear Friends, I am writing a book about the preliminary bombardments by the 8th Air Force during operation Market Garden. I am looking for the serial number of one of the B-17's that took part on 17 September 1944. The ship number is 301 and the pilot was Raymond R.Lyons from 751st Bomb Squadron. I am also looking for the exact crash location of the B-17G (s/n 42-97951) that was shot down that day. Manny greeting from Antoon Meijers (The Netherlands)
You may know this already - if not, here is some info: Delivered Denver 13/4/44; 1SAG Langley 5/6/44; Grenier 28/6/44; Assigned 351BG Polebrook [ -C] 22/7/44; transferred 748BS/457BG [C] Glatton 28/8/44; 750BS; Missing in Action Dutch flak inst. 17/9/44 with Doug Grantham, Acom-Maj George Hozier, Navigator: Howard Quinn, Exn-Capt Pat Henry, Navigator: Bob Douglas, Bombardier: Bob Costello, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Willie Suggs, Waist gunner: Gus Kujala, Ball turret gunner: Sephus Tucker,Tail gunner: F/O Art Gennari (10 Prisoner of War); Radio Operator: Buford Milner (evaded capture); flak KO’d #3, crashed N of Krefeld, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 10208.
Hello All, I'm an 8th AAF research contributor to the 490th and 303rd BGs, and also an avid historian and 8th AAF collector. I'm looking for information on a 457th BG, 749th BS veteran who was at Glatton for 1.5 years. His name is; SSgt. John Howard Buzzell # 31151179 Enlisted August 13, 1942 Discharged October 20, 1945 Any information that can be found would be amazing! Thank You, Christopher Warne
sounds like my father im his son ellis buzzell phone no is 2074046298 would like to talk to you we always called him howard john buzzell born in rockport me he was a waist gunner on b17s
Dear Friends : I have in my possession a DVD made by the daughter of a crew mate of my husband's, in the ground crew of Miss Cue, 751st Squadron in the 457th. My husband was crew chief, Garry DeYoung; the crew mate was Carl Rode, and his daughter, Susan Andeloro made his WWII pictures into a record on the DVD called Daddy Days. I am looking for Susan, to reguest permission to share this look back to one man's experiences at Glatton. If anyone knows how to reach her, I would be very grateful. Carl was best man at our wedding in 1947, and shortly thereafter he married his sweetheart, Shirley Socia (sp). Thanks for your interest and assistance, in advance! Mary DeYoung 218-587-2543
Seeking information reference my cousin's (1Lt John Walz Tadje plane/crew (specifically any photos of nose art), lost 9/30/44 on Muenster raid. Plane 43-38538, B-17G. William Millea crew. Thanks in advance for any information.
I am a volunteer helping the Cambridge (England) WWII Cemetery with their upcoming 'Faces of Cambridge' tribute. On Memorial Day weekend 2017, they will post photos they receive next to the name on the wall of the missing or at the grave marker. If anyone has photos of these Cambridge men and are willing to provide them for this memorial you can send them directly to cambridge@abmc.gov. There also is a Facebook page that you can use as well as keep up with the tribute. It is a closed group and Les Turner is the Administrator of it. Photo can be of any age, a single or group photo as long as the individual is identified. Last update I received was that they had 2000 photos out of 8,937 individuals (3,812 buried and 5,127 MIA). If this has already been posted here or in a newsletter, my apologies for the repeat. Many thanks.
My Father, Archie F. Bower Jr. was the pilot of "Straight Shot." He was shot down over Germany and became a POW. He Later flew B-29's in Korea while stationed at Tachikawa AB and then flew B-52's for SAC. Does anyone remember working with him or have any information? Anything would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Robert K. Bower
Robert My Uncle Bill Baxendale was the co-pilot with your father on the Straight Shot. He died when the plane was shot down over Birkweiler. Your Dad's account of that day was recorded by Greg Cooke, son of Dick Cooke the bombardier. Greg Cooke wrote "The Mission" which you can read here: http://457thbombgroup.org/New/Recollections/Cooke/mission1.html Jim Baxendale
I didn't realize that crews didn't stay with the same plane, but that appears to be the case. Was that unique to the 457th or was it that way in every bomb group? My grandfather flew in a different plane for all the 13 missions he was on. He was shot down over France and extremely luckily evaded capture.
Hello, My name is Cody Moses and I was hoping that you might be able to help. My grandfathers name was Terrance Camp and he flew with 457 bomb group 750 squadron i a b-17 piloted by Norman Breit. He was one of the unlucky ones that jumped out of plane on june 29, 1944 over germany on orders of pilot Breit.yet, some how breit ended up getting the plane home. My grandfather ended up spending 2 years in german pow camp.Is was wondering if you had more information on the plane he flew in and more info about his crew. Thank you for your time. Cody
Hello Cody Moses, My name is Mark Bates. I worked with your grandfather prior to his retirement from GD back in the 1980's. I think he retired in 1985. Terry was a wonderful person and friend. I'm confident I have photos from his retirement party that I can send you if you don't already have them. I had the honor of hearing about some of the events and times Terry went through directly from him. He was always happy and positive. He was a sure an amazing person and great friend to everyone that knew him. Mark Bates 817.501.5829
Hello Cody, your grandfather Terrance Camp was in the B-17 #44-6167 on that day. You helped me to solve and find the B-17. https://b17flyingfortress.de/mystery-solved/terence-t-camp/
Dear miss Reynolds Shull, please contact the webmaster for information about your fathers belongings and museums. Thank you, The webmaster webmaster457thbombgroup@outlook.com
My father, Charles William "Bill" Reynolds was a crew chief on a B-17 at Glatton. He passed away in 2003 but had had a chance to read and annotate the Fait Accompli book. We have his wool sergeant's uniform in perfect condition as well as some other artifacts from that time. I would like to connect with anyone who might direct me and my family in connecting dad's stuff with the museum - either in Mississippi or in England. many thanks. jane Reynolds Shull, Oregon city, or
Sarah Hood, Please email the webmaster, webmaster457thbombgroup@outlook.com! Thank you, The webmaster
Hi! I am Sarah's sister. It's been five yrs and I guess Sarah didn't check back with you. Just yesterday she tried to get some info from our brother who only said he couldn't tell us what Dad (John, J.J., Jay Hood) told him because it gave him nightmares like it did Dad. Hope it's not too late for this reply. Thanks! Just send any response to Sarah. Cathy
Hello. I am wondering if anyone remembers my dad, SSgt. John Hood Jr. He was an ordnance guy with the 749th Bombardment Squadron. In the photo section of the website, I believe he is in picture No. 110. v/r Sarah Hood.
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My father; Lt. John W. SCHWIKERT, (B-17 Pilot); 457th BG; 749th Squadron was shot down over Berlin, Germany on 18 March 1945. (Mission #212). The day before, he flew a 10 hr. combat mission to Altenberg, Germany and on returning, the 457th had the 200th Mission Party on 17 March; (actual date 2 March but delayed to 17th). The party lasted past midnight. The 457th promised no missions on 18 March. A few hours after the party there was a change in plans and the crews were sent to bomb Berlin. Many of the men had not sleep for 24 hours. My father’s plane A/C #203 had mechanical problems and the group left without him. After repairs, he could have aborted the mission due to the long delay but decided to fly, catching up to the 2000 plane 8th AF raid over the continent. He was hit by a Me-262 and flak; #2 engine on fire, #3 engine feathered and landing gear shot up. He dove from 28,000 ft. to 18,000 ft. trying to extinguish the fire without luck, gave the order to bail out, was captured by the Germans and sent to P.O.W. Camp at Stalag Luft 1. My father is 91, currently in a nursing home with dementia and doesn't remember much about the war. Does anyone have any information about the 457th (200 Mission Party) of 17th March 1945 and the Berlin raid on 18 March 1945? Please send replies to John Schwikert II, jschwikert@cox.net
Good day. I'm trying to determine if either of the two survivor's from the "Silver Queen" are still living. Jerome Folgeman and Carl Gamblin. They were members of the 29th mission in which my grandfather, Edward C Cannon, was the bombardier and was killed in the plane's explosion on 4/20/1944. I would looooove to have contact with them to learn anything about my grandfather, for myself and my mother. Thank you greatly for any information and for your dedication to my freedom. It is not forgotten. Happy Purple Heart Day Ann Eubank
Hi, I’m Jerome’s grand daughter. He lived to almost 95! He passed away in 2017.
Hello, I see a question dated 2014 about the two survivors of the Silver Queen. My husbands uncle was one killed. Have you heard anything from or about Lt. Carl Gamblin or Sgt Jerome Folgeman?
Hello: I've just discovered this site of the 457th Bomb Group on the intranet. I have been searching for information on my grandfather's history and involvement during his military career and involvement in WWII. Sadly, he passed away in 1981, before I developed any interest in history and his military career. I hope someone can assist. His name was Harry Eastland Lawrence, service #0-478857. In a 1974 newspaper article, he stated he received a Solider's Medal for saving two B-17's that collided at the Glatton airstrip. He salvaged the tail and wing sections by running into the fire-gutted bombers and pulling out parts. He also was awarded a Bronze Star for efficiency in combat zone for having more planes in commission than anybody else in his section. Any help would truly be appreciated. Scott Haymart
Does anyone have any information on Sgt Henry W D Short? He was the aircraft engineer on 44-6155 shot down over Merseberg 11/2/44. Any information would be appreciated. Seth
I'm interested in attending the 457th reunion in Savannah, Georgia. My father, Lt. Colonel Irving Lewis passed away on December 25, 2013. He was 98-years old. I'd like to attend in memory of his service to his country. I know he used to attend the reunions before he became too ill and couldn't travel. Does anyone remember Irving Lewis? He was married to Lorraine Lewis for more than 50 years before she passed away in 1993. Terry Ratner tjrwriter@aol.com
The Nose art of the eagle dropping the bomb is the screaming eagle. My Father was the tail gunner on that plane. Does anyone have information on movies from the 457th? Thanks, son of PAUL T. HARLAN
Thank you, Erwin, for getting our v-mail message board back up!! Looking forward to see you in Savannah at the reunion!
Attention! Presenting the long-anticipated return of the familiar V-MAIL MESSAGE SYSTEM. Feel free to write your own messages today. Don't forget to sign who they are "FROM" and press the big red "Reply By V-MAIL" button to seal the envelope. From that point, you may choose to "Edit" or "Post" the message. Thank you for your patience. Be ready for future developments set to enhance the experience. -- Webmaster
Hi, My name is Ronald Moore. I am the nephew of Leonard Luchonok, a radio operator on the B-17 # 42-31596. This was the plane that was shot down on the Lippstadt Group. Lt. Lewellin Bredeson was the pilot. The tail gunner William H. Schenkel was shot and died on this bomb run. My Uncle Leonard Luchonok attempted to help him. Just a few days ago I received a copy of a letter my uncle sent from Stalag Luft 1v describing the incident. I have just today found your site and will in the future send a group picture of this crew. My uncle died years ago but I am very close to his daughter. I will attempt to get her permission to send a copy of the letter but its very personal as you can well imagine. Thank you for all the work you do to keep these experiences and memories alive. Ronald Moore