6 NOVEMBER, 1944
Again an oil refinery was attacked by the 457th. The target was Harburg. Captain Dozier was in command with Lt. Jeffers as pilot. The Group comprised the 94th C Combat Wing.
After assembly, the Group assumed its proper position in the Division formation and proceeded across the Channel to attack its target. The IP was reached six minutes late because winds were not as briefed. After the turn at the IP, the craft piloted by Lt. Edward P. McGroarty left the formation. No damage, fire or chutes were observed and reason for leaving is unknown. Only one crewman survived.
The turn on the bomb run was made about five miles northwest of the briefed IP. The target area was covered with ten tenths clouds and PFF was utilized. Although the Group encountered moderate antiaircraft fire, its accuracy was only fair. All three squadrons released their bombs on the smoke marker of the Group Lead aircraft. Results were unobserved.