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Date: April 21st 1944
Place: Hoxne, UK (England)
Pilot: Lt. Owen B. Coffman
Aircraft: A/C 42-97236
Squadron: 748th
Number of missions flown: 3

Lt. Owen B. Coffman (P) KIA
Lt. Stewart Barnes (CP) KIA
Lt. Joseph J. Paddock (N) KIA
Lt. Lowell D. Baker (B) KIA
Sgt. Leroy L. Logan (TT) KIA
Sgt. Donald L. Moore (RWG) KIA
Sgt. James C. Hilty (BTG) KIA
Sgt. Lloyd R. Larson (RO) SUR
Sgt. Morris R. Walker (LWG) SUR
Sgt. John P. Medica (TG) SUR

Aircraft # 42-97236 took off at 14.19 to join formation above overcast. They entered clouds at about 8.000 ft and continued climb on instruments. Pilot had just had interphone oxygen check at 15.000 ft when the ship hit violent turbulent ait, probably prop wash, throwing the ship into a dive. The pilot still on instruments and in clouds, attempted a fast recovery putting such a strain on the tail section it tore off.
Read more here.

Click on the photos below for better preview of the photos

Crash site Park Farm near Hoxne

Tail section of A/C 42 – 97236

Another shot of the tail section of A/C 42 – 97236


What is left of the plane after the crash

 Crash site of A/C 42 – 97236

Crash site of A/C 42 – 97236