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Date: December 23rd 1943
Place: Wendover Field Utah, USA
Pilot: Lt. William R. Snow
Aircraft: A/C 42-31541
Squadron: 748th
Number of missions flown: 0

Lt. William R. Snow (P) KIA
Lt. Dwight T. Sullivan (CP) KIA
Lt. Robert F. Oberfelder (N) KIA
Lt. Earl F. Saucer (B) KIA
Sgt. Vernon L. Cummings (TT) KIA
Sgt. Edwin A. Liesinger (RO) KIA
Sgt. James A. Henning (LWG) KIA
Sgt. Morris H. Strong (TG) KIA

Aircraft was in #1 position of the 2nd element of a six plane squadron local formation training mission. The formation was assembled at approximately 6.000 ft altitude, for a period from three to five minutes, when the #1 aircraft of the 2nd element, B-17 G Ser. No. 42-31541, Lt. William R. Snow pilot, under-ran and pulled up into #2 aircraft of 1st element B-17 G Ser. No. 42-38065.

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Click on the photos below for better preview of the photos

Crash site Nevada desert near Wendover Army Air Field


Crash site A/C 42-31541

Crash site A/C 42-31541

Desert crash site A/C 42-31541

Desert crash site A/C 42-31541