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Date: December 23rd 1944
Place: Great Rollright, UK (England)
Pilot: Lt. Clifford Hendrickson
Aircraft: A/C 43-38812
Squadron: 749th
Number of missions flown: 22

Lt. Clifford Hendrickson (P) KIA
Lt. Walter B. Graves (CP) KIA
Lt. Joseph L. Kilmer (N) KIA
Lt. David E. Williams (B) KIA
Sgt.George H. Bruer (TT) KIA
Sgt. Robert H. Riedel (RO) KIA
Sgt. George B. Hawley (WG) KIA
Sgt. Edmund T. Fitzgerald (BT) KIA
Sgt. Clifford T. Heinrich (TG) SUR

On December 23rd 1944, Lt. Hendrickson and crew had been cleared from Portreath, a diversion field, to Glatton, the home station. Far off course and apparently lost, the aircraft was flown into the ground, causing complete destruction of the ship and fatal injuries to all but one of the crew.

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