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Date: February 6th 1945
Place: Glatton, UK (England)
Pilot: Capt. Roy C. Kerr
Aircraft: A/C 44-8720
Squadron: 750th
Number of missions flown: 0

Major William K. Doherty (P) KIA
Capt. Roy C. Kerr (Eng) KIA
Lt. Maurice E. Walbridge (B) KIA
Sgt. Robert L. Stevenson (RO) KIA
Civilian John Ruff (badly injured in Shop Street, Holme)

At 1620 hours, February 6th 1945, Major William K. Doherty, in aircraft # 44-8720, at the completion of a local test flight, was attempting to land. Having to go around on first attempt due to other aircraft in the traffic pattern, he circled the field at 200 feet using a close-in pattern. On the final approach, the aircraft was not lined up with the landing runway, and it is assumed that the pilot stalled out of a steep turn in attempting to line up. The stall occured at too low an altitude to affect a recovery.

Read more here.

Click on the photos below for better preview of the photos

Crash site near Holme


Crash site of A/C 44-8720


Crash site of A/C 44-8720

Crash site of A/C 44-8720

Crash site of A/C 44-8720

Crash site of A/C 44-8720

Debris of A/C 44-8720 in a field