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Date: May 23rd 1944
Place: Glatton base, UK (England)
Pilot: Lt. Americo Procopio
Aircraft: A/C 42-107015
Squadron: 750th
Number of missions flown:

Lt. Americo Procopio (P)
Lt. Robert Driscoll (CP)
Lt. Bernard B. Weinberg (N)
Lt. Edward P. Palika (B)
Sgt John T. Clements (E)
Sgt E.L. Angell (LWG)
Sgt Russell R. Babel (RO)
Sgt Thaddeus R. Dubej (BTG)
Sgt James R. Norman (RWG)
Sgt Walter W. Megin (TG)

At 0620 hours on 23 May 1944, 015 called the Control Tower stating he could not get right wheel down. Upon return he circled the field until fuel was partially consumed. The aircraft then landed on runway 34 with his right wheel up and came to rest on the grass to the right of the runway, after a run of 700 – 800 yards from point of touchdown.

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