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And Other Flights To Eternity

Edited by: Lt. Colonel Roland O. Byers, USAFR (Ret.)

Published: 1991

“It was those who were shot up badly, or were shot down and taken as prisoners of war, that experienced the extremes of the rigors of aerial combat and participated in a ‘FLIGHT TO ETERNITY’. Many men died on these flights and it is up to those who survived to tell their story.”

The contents of this book are, for the most part, composed of first-person stories by 457th Bomb Group, B-17 aircrew members of the 8th Air Force who were shot down and became casualties of aerial combat over occupied Europe and Germany during World War II. In an attempt to provide the reader with some information about WWII from the German viewpoint, a chapter is included which was provided by a German Luftwaffe fighter pilot who fought against the American bomber crews.

Pawpaw Press
P.O. Box 9191
Moscow ID 83843
Copyright © 1991 by Roland O. Byers

ISBN: 0-9614563-2-9