TARGET: GERMAN POSITIONS ST. LO-PERIERS, FRANCE 24 JULY, 1944 The United States First Army, after overrunning the Cotentin Peninsula and…
TARGET: BALL BEARING WORKS SCHWEINFURT, GERMANY 21 JULY, 1944 Several targets in southern Germany that had been less successfully bombed…
TARGET: SYNTHETIC OIL PLANT LEIPZIG, GERMANY 20 JULY, 1944 The prospect of generally good visual bombing weather caused the dispatching…
TARGET: MESSERSCHMIDT PLANT AUGSBURG, GERMANY 19 JULY, 1944 German jet propelled aircraft had become a potential menace to American heavy…
TARGET: FUEL PLANT PEENEMUNDE, GERMANY 18 JULY, 1944 Intelligence reports indicated the Me-I 63 rocket fighter had become operational. Four…
TARGET: ALLACH AERO ENGINE WORKS MUNICH, GERMANY 16 JULY, 1944 Munich, having received a two-day respite, was the objective for…
TARGET: ALLACH AERO ENGINE WORKS MUNICH, GERMANY 13 JULY, 1944 For the third successive day, Munich was the target of…
TARGET: ALLACH AERO ENGINE WORKS MUNICH, GERMANY 12 JULY, 1944 Heavy cloudy weather still persisted over all of enemy occupied…
TARGET: ALLACH AERO ENGINE WORKS MUNICH, GERMANY 11 JULY, 1944 Munich, in addition to being the fourth largest city in…
TARGET: PILOTLESS AIRCRAFT SITES HAUT MAISNIL BLANGEMONT, FRANCE 9 JULY, 1944 A second attempt was made to bomb the pilotless…