TARGET: AIRCRAFT FACTORY GDYNIA, POLAND 9 APRIL, 1944 A large scale attack was launched against the FW-190 eastern complex of…
TARGET: AIRCRAFT REPAIR WORKS TOURS, FRANCE 27 MARCH 1944 Duration of mission 5 hours and 45 minutes The target was…
TARGET: AIRCRAFT ASSEMBLY FACTORY WAGGUM, GERMANY 29 MARCH 1944 Eighteen aircraft were dispatched to attack the fighter and bomber Aircraft…
TARGET: BALL BEARING WORKS SCHWEINFURT, GERMANY 24 MARCH 1944 The Group dispatched seventeen aircraft to the ball bearing works at…
TARGET: OPERATIONAL FIGHTER FIELD LIPPSTADT, GERMANY 23 MARCH 1944 To stations: 05.40 Engines on: 06.40 Taxi time at Glatton: 06.50…
TARGET: HEINKEL BOMBER ASSEMBLY FACTORY ORANIENBURG, GERMANY 22 MARCH 1944 Nineteen aircraft made a return trip to the Heinkel Bomber…
TARGET: ALFRED TREVES PLANT FRANKFURT, GERMANY 20 MARCH 1944 Eighteen aircraft were dispatched to bomb the AlfredTreves plant at Frankfurt,…
TARGET: NO BALL WATTON, FRANCE 19 MARCH 1944 Twenty-four aircraft carried out a No Ball Mission toWatton, a large and…
TARGET: TWIN ENGINE AIRFIELD LANDSBERG AM LEC GERMANY 18 MARCH 1944 Cloud cover having prevented destruction of the German aircraft…