TARGET: LAUNCHING PAD V-I BOMBS VAC-QUERIETTE, GERMANY 13 MARCH, 1944 The Group flew its first of many No Ball missions…
TARGET: MARSHALLING YARDS MUNSTER, GERMANY 11 MARCH, 1944 Twenty aircraft bombed military targets and the marshalling yards at Munster. The…
TARGET: HEINKEL AIRCRAFT ASSEMBLY FACTORY ORANIENBURG, GERMANY 9 MARCH, 1944 The mission called for the bombing of a Heinkel Bomber…
TARGET: V.K.F. BALL BEARING WORKS BERLIN, GERMANY 8 MARCH 1944 Seventeen aircraft returned to Erkner and the VK.F. ball bearing…
TARGET: ALFRED TREVES FACTORIES FRANKFURT, GERMANY 2 MARCH 1944 Departure time Glatton: 08.40 Weather at target: clouds 10/10 Landing time…