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Written by: Loretta Hamilton-Geary

Published: 2003

At the beginning of World War II, two of Loretta’s brothers marched off to war. One did not come back.

Never did the family give up searching for more information about the lost airman. From time to time, they would find a clue finding one of his buddies or hearing about his fatal flight.

But it was 70 years later when the mystery was finally solved.

The book’s hero was Lt. Hershel Wilson. He shipped out April 29, 1944, going from Dalhart, Texas, to Peterborough, England. He was with the 8th Air Force, 457th Bomber Group, 751st Squadron.

In 1988, in Loretta’s mother’s “lock box,” she found a list of names and addresses of her brother’s crew members.

Through letters, telephone calls, computers and traveling to Europe and to the Defense Department in Washington, D.C., she played detective.

The reader goes along on the search and shares Loretta’s tears and joy, and shares in the big house party for survivors when they gathered at the sorority house in Norman during a school holiday.

This is a personal story that tugs at your heart and makes you root for the sister all the way.
Reba Neighbors Collins
The oklahoman

Excelsior Cee Publisher; First Edition (January 1, 2003)

© Copyright 1997. Norman A. Erbe. All Rights Reserved.

ISBN-10: 0962555797
ISBN-13: 978-0962555794