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Here is a collection of crew photos in alphabetical order. In the coming months more information will be added.

If you have a missing crew photo please contact the webmaster. If you identify an unknown crew photo also please contact the webmaster.

John Akers

457th Bomb Group - Rose Olive John Akers
John Akers, Jr., crew

Roy W. Allen

Kenneth L. Andersen

Charles E. Barrier

Clayton E. Bejot

Mark R. Belcher

Edward M. Bender

Capt. Edward Bender

Richard T. Bennet

William B. Biracree

Henry S. Blach

Graeme L. Bow

crew info

Archie F. Bowers

William L. Brackley

Charles D. Brannan

Roland H. Brazier

Llwellyn G. Bredeson

Norman W. Breit

Kent H. Brittle

Robert E. Brofft

Arnold G. Brunner

Kenneth W. Burkhart

Haven R. Burningham

John W. Cantillion

Alvin I. Caplovitz

James R. Chinn

Edward F. Clark

Bernard V. Connor

Edmund G. Coomes

Noel E. Cunefare

William A. Dawson

Douglas L. Deal

Benjamin J. Deloach

Stephen L. DeWald

Mac Dickinson

William K. Doherty

Edward B. Dozier

Richard J. Dudek

William B. Dudley

Comments (1)

748 Squadron flight crew Please let me know how I can send picture of crew to add to data base
Lt. Paul V. Chapman pilot ASN 0804612
Lt. James E. Ocshier Co-pilot ASN 0687702
Lt. William J. McKelvey Nav. ASN 0808106
Lt. George R. Walker Bom. ASN 0753087
Sgt. Kenneth E. Myers ETTG ASN 17139820
Sgt. Anthony Marrone LWG ASN 32721476
Sgt. Robert S. Wood RWG ASN 34482396
Sgt. Richard Trundy RG ASN 32086304
Sgt. Thomas G. Overn BTG ASN 39276665
Sgt. Weldron S. McGibbon TG ASN 33314125

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