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Since the beginning of the Association historians have been working hard to preserve, collect and share the groups history. Working alongside the American historians were the English historians who were known as the FOTE

Here is a list of historians from the past who helped build this great Association.

Still to this day the 457th Bomb Group Association includes local individuals now known as “The European Historians”.



Will Fluman jr., has been part of the Association for many years. Will has a great knowledge of the history of the 457th Bomb Group

Will Fluman jr.

132 Ore Bank Rd.     (winter: 3070 37th Ave. S)

Dillsburg, PA 17019     (winter: St. Petersburg, FL 33712)



Tim and Angela Newell, became historians in 2008. Tim and Angie live in the village of Oundle and played an important part in the Mini Reunions in England and the maintenance of the memorials. Tim and Angela are also known for welcoming American visitors and showing them around the old base.

Tim and Angela Newell

Cemetery Chapel, Stoke Doyle Road, Oundle, Northants, England PE8 5TR

44-1487-830450 or


Erwin DeMooy, became a historian in 2015. Erwin lives in the Netherlands and over the past few years became webmaster of the 457th Bomb Group Association website, admin of the 457th Bomb Group Association facebook page and historian for the group. Erwin is backed by his supportive wife Nancy.

Erwin and Nancy DeMooy

Mondriaanlaan 31, 2172 DG Sassenheim, The Netherlands

Comments (3)

Michael and Jessica Brody Scher

Hi – we are looking for our father’s records of service with the 457 Bomb Group in the 751 Squadron.
Alex Brody -American
USA Air Force Service around January 1945. Date of Birth was July 8, 1911

Can you find his name in your records? Any suggestions?! THANK YOU.

I have a photo of an air craft wit Nose Art – Tujunga Wallace Forman’s Nose Art Directory shows the S/N as 42-97087 can you assist with this? I also shoe a transfer to the 379th BG

Do you have the record cards to all the aircraft? I am interested in all of the “Tujunga’s” I understand there were three from this group!

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