Through the months of active service the 457th Bomb Group had many officers and enlisted men in training and on base in England. An estimated 3700 officers and enlisted men were proud members of the Fireball Outfit. Here you will find individual photos of men with their last names starting with an N – Z.
In this collection Individual Photos N – Z you will find 430 photos. In totall (Individual Photos A – M and Individual Photos N – Z) we have been able to find 1168 photos of 457th Bomb Group members. That means that we are still missing 2532 photos! We had only 54 photos when we started these collections and managed to find 1114 more in the last few years.
We hope that more and more people will start sending in photos of 457th Bomb Group members so we can see who they were for many many more years to come!
Nabozny, Edward
750th Bomb Squadron
Nail, Norman K.
748th Bomb Squadron
Navarro, Joseph
751st Bomb Squadron
Nechak, John F.
751st Bomb Squadron
Neff, Donald L.
748th Bomb Squadron
Neidhardt, William T.
751st Bomb Squadron
Nelson, C.P.
Group Intelligence Officer
Nelson, Einar L.
750th Bomb Squadron
Nelson, Josey H.
750th Bomb Squadron
Nelson, Robert D.
749th Bomb Squadron
Nelson, Vernon A.
748th Bomb Squadron
Newmeyer, Charles E.
750th Bomb Squadron
Nichols, George R.
748th Bomb Squadron
Niec, Edmond L.
750th Bomb Squadron
Nixon, Warren W.
750th Bomb Squadron
Nohava, Henry J.
748th Bomb Squadron
Nordan, Francis F.
751st Bomb Squadron
Nordin, Kenneth V.
748th Bomb Squadron
Norman, Joseph S.
751st Bomb Squadron
Norton, John W.
748th Bomb Squadron
Nose, Daniel W.
748th Bomb Squadron
Nowak, Walter C.
748th Bomb Squadron
Nunes, Anthony J.
749th Bomb Squadron
Nunn, Frank L.
749th Bomb Squadron
Oberfelder, Robert F.
748th Bomb Squadron
Ofiesh, Gabriel D.
749th Bomb Squadron
Oglesby, Merrill jr.
748th Bomb Squadron
O’Brein, Anthony A.
748th Bomb Squadron
O’Connor, William A.
748th Bomb Squadron
O’Hara, William J.
748th Bomb Squadron
O’Reilly, Frank J.
unknown Bomb Squadron
Oldenhage, James F.
751st Bomb Squadron
Oliver, William C.
748th Bomb Squadron
Olson, Harry A.
748th Bomb Squadron
Ornburn, William L.
750th Bomb Squadron
Ormsby, Scott B.
750th Bomb Squadron
Osborne, Charles D.
748th Bomb Squadron
Osborn, Raymond L.
749th Bomb Squadron
Osika, Walter H.
749th Bomb Squadron
Overdahl, Curtis J.
748th Bomb Squadron
Owens, Jack B.
751st Bomb Squadron
Owsley, Dee K.
Crew Chief
Paddock, Joseph J.
748th Bomb Squadron
Paisley, John W.
750th Bomb Squadron
Panaretos, Theodore D.
748th Bomb Squadron
Paprota, Eugene H.
749th Bomb Squadron
Parken, Dwight W.
750th Bomb Squadron
Parker, George E.
748th Bomb Squadron
Parker, John B.
749th Bomb Squadron
Parks, David P.
749th Bomb Squadron
Parshley, Kneeland I.
751st Bomb Squadron
Parsons, Richard H.
748th Bomb Squadron
Paschal, Joseph O.
750th Bomb Squadron
Passmore, Homer M.
751st Bomb Squadron
Patty, Robert A.
751st Bomb Squadron
Peacock, Donald R.
750th Bomb Squadron
Pearson, John S.
748th Bomb Squadron
Peltoma, William A.
748th Bomb Squadron
Peppers, Cyrus J.
748th Bomb Squadron
Peragine, Vito
748th Bomb Squadron
Peresich, Eugene A.
751st Bomb Squadron
Perkings, Chester D.
749th Bomb Squadron
Peronto, Earl N.
751st Bomb Squadron
Perry, John I.
748th Bomb Squadron
Perry, Russell A.
750th Bomb Squadron
Peschen, George
750th Bomb Squadron
Peterson, Howard L.
751st Bomb Squadron
Pfendler, Victor F.
748th Bomb Squadron
Phillips, Ivory S.
748th Bomb Squadron
Phillips, James R.
748th Bomb Squadron
Phillips, Laurel W.
751st Bomb Squadron
Phipps, Rupert L.
749th Bomb Squadron
Pike, Louis
749th Bomb Squadron
Pinkney, Robert W.
749th Bomb Squadron
Pipock, Michael
749th Bomb Squadron
Pitts, Joseph W.
749th Bomb Squadron
Pitts, Vaden S.
750th Bomb Squadron
Plagianos, Leon M.
749th Bomb Squadron
Plaut, Bernard M.
750th Bomb Squadron
Pledger, Earl N.
748th Bomb Squadron
Plestine, Samuel A.
748th Bomb Squadron
Pliss, Seymour
unknown Bomb Squadron
Pobletts, George M.
748th Bomb Squadron
Polen, Donald E.
749th Bomb Squadron
Pond, Merton L.
749th Bomb Squadron
Poore, Green B.
751st Bomb Squadron
Popham, Irwin C.
751st Bomb Squadron
Popowitz, John W.
749th Bomb Squadron
Porta, Albert F.
750th Bomb Squadron
Poshefko, John T.
750th Bomb Squadron
Post, Kenneth
751st Bomb Squadron
Prior, Thomas W.
750th Bomb Squadron
Prisk, Robert K.
749th Bomb Squadron
Procopio, Americo
750th Bomb Squadron
Procopio, Oreste
751st Bomb Squadron
Prukop, Alvin B.
749th Bomb Squadron
Pugh, Winfred L.
750th Bomb Squadron
Quillin, John P.
749th Bomb Squadron
Quinn, Edward T.
749th Bomb Squadron
Quinn, Howard V.
748th Bomb Squadron
Rafineli, A.
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Rains, Douglas S.
750th Bomb Squadron
Rankin, Warren M.
749th Bomb Squadron
Ratchick, Selig
749th Bomb Squadron
Rattray, Robert C.
750th Bomb Squadron
Rawls, James B.
748th Bomb Squadron
Ray, Harvey G.
749th Bomb Squadron
Reagan, Ralston B.
Photo Intelligence
Reddie, James R.
751st Bomb Squadron
Reese, Willard A.
751st Bomb Squadron
Reichert, Paul F.
751st Bomb Squadron
Reid, Harold
749th Bomb Squadron
Reid, Joseph S.
751st Bomb Squadron
Reid, Robert C.
749th Bomb Squadron
Reilly, Donald J.
749th Bomb Squadron
Reinhart, Louis B.
748th Bomb Squadron
Renfro, Edward R.
751st Bomb Squadron
Reppa, Edward J.
748th Bomb Squadron
Peters, Elroy J.
749th Bomb Squadron
Rhodes, Harold B.
750th Bomb Squadron
Rhymer, Robert F.
749th Bomb Squadron
Rice, Lynn W.
751st Bomb Squadron
Richards, Jerry
Group Technician
Richardson, John A.
748th Bomb Squadron
Richardson, Paul D.
750th Bomb Squadron
Richardson, Paul D.
750th Bomb Squadron
Rice, Terrence E.
751st Bomb Squadron
Ricker, Eugene C.
751st Bomb Squadron
Riedel, Robert H.
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Rigaud, Louis P.
750th Bomb Squadron
Rinehart, Earl A.
749th Bomb Squadron
Rittman, Alden N.
751st Bomb Squadron
Rizzo, Bartolo
749th Bomb Squadron
Plyer, Lyman C.
750th Bomb Squadron
Roberts, Edwin R.
Group Intelligence Officer
Roberts, J.B.
749th Bomb Squadron
Roberts, Paul M.
750th Bomb Squadron
Robertson, Beverly C.
749th Bomb Squadron
Robertson, William T. br> 749th Bomb Squadron
Robinson, John A.
748th Bomb Squadron
Robinson, Robert P.
751st Bomb Squadron
Rogers, Frank J.
Group Special Services Officer
Rogers, Paul M.
749th Bomb Squadron
Rogers, William F.
750th Bomb Squadron
Rogner, Harris E.
Commanding Officer
Rohde, Kenneth E.
748th Bomb Squadron
Roland, Theodore C.
751st Bomb Squadron
Roos, Edward K.
750th Bomb Squadron
Rosenblatt, Arnold L.
748th Bomb Squadron
Ross, Clarence E.
749th Bomb Squadron
Ross, Marion D.
748th Bomb Squadron
Rounseville, Arthur G.
751st Bomb Squadron
Rowe, Frank J.
751st Bomb Squadron
Rubos, Charles H.
750th Bomb Squadron
Russo, Frank D.
750th Bomb Squadron
Ryder, Leo A.
751st Bomb Squadron
Sage, Edward R.
749th Bomb Squadron
Salay, James D.
748th Bomb Squadron
Salerno, Joseph P.
751st Bomb Squadron
Sampson, John C.
748th Bomb Squadron
Sarico, John P.
749th Bomb Squadron
Savinetti, Jr., Louis J.
Photo Technician
Schaffner, Alton A.
751st Bomb Squadron
Scharff, David J.
749th Bomb Squadron
Schauer, George F.
749th Bomb Squadron
Scheivert, Burnell L.
751st Bomb Squadron
Schellenger, David W.
749th Bomb Squadron
Schembri, Joseph T.
750th Bomb Squadron
Schenkel, William H.
750th Bomb Squadron
Scheuch, Donald E.
751st Bomb Squadron
Schiffman, Byron S.
748th Bomb Squadron
Schloendorn, John G.
748th Bomb Squadron
Schneller, Calvin K.
751st Bomb Squadron
Schobert, Charles C.
751st Bomb Squadron
Schroeder, Neil C.
749th Bomb Squadron
Schuchman, Clarence E.
750th Bomb Squadron
Schuler, Harold A.
750th Bomb Squadron
Schwab, Delbert S.
748th Bomb Squadron
Schwall, John
748th Bomb Squadron
Schwikert, John W.
749th Bomb Squadron
Scott, Charles T.
748th Bomb Squadron
Scott, Robert L.
748th Bomb Squadron
Seeber, Glenn E.
749th Bomb Squadron
Seely, Richard E.
751st Bomb Squadron
Seesenguth, Donald L.
748th Bomb Squadron
Selling, Harry H.
751st Bomb Squadron
Sellon, Donald G.
748th Bomb Squadron
Selwyn, Russel M.
750th Bomb Squadron
Sewell, Glenn R.
748th Bomb Squadron
Shadman, James P.
751st Bomb Squadron
Shaner, Earl L.
748th Bomb Squadron
Sharrock, Gerard A.
748th Bomb Squadron
Shaw, Robert D.
750th Bomb Squadron
Shaw, Teddy G.
748th Bomb Squadron
Sheeky, Martin
Group Technician
Shepard, Amos W.
749th Bomb Squadron
Shepherd, Ancil U.
750th Bomb Squadron
Sherrod, James E.
748th Bomb Squadron
Shields, T. J.
748th Bomb Squadron
Shilling, Edward A.
748th Bomb Squadron
Shinault, Keith E.
748th Bomb Squadron
Shinners, John
Group Personnel Officer
Short, Henry W.D.
751st Bomb Squadron
Shuff, Morris H.
749th Bomb Squadron
Sidebottom, Bernard E.
750th Bomb Squadron
Sikkenga, Albert L.
751st Bomb Squadron
Silverman, Jerome
751st Bomb Squadron
Simonis, Douglas M.
750th Bomb Squadron
Singer, Dave
751st Bomb Squadron
Skalski, Gus B.
751st Bomb Squadron
Slauson, Gordon R.
Instrument Specialist
Sloan, Hugh C.
749th Bomb Squadron
Snow, Donald L.
748th Bomb Squadron
Smalling, Hilary C.
751st Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Smith, Clifton R.
750th Bomb Squadron
Smith, Frederick A
751st Bomb Squadron
Smith, Harold E.
749th Bomb Squadron
Smith, Luther H.
751st Bomb Squadron
Smith, Obie D.
Ground Maintenance
Smith, Ralph W.
751st Bomb Squadron
Smith, Stanley E.
750th Bomb Squadron
Smith, Thomas E.
748th Bomb Squadron
Smith, William F.
750th Bomb Squadron
Smith, Woodrow L.
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Smithling, Ralph
749th Bomb Squadron
Smithson, Frederick G.
748th Bomb Squadron
Smolik, Robert E.
750th Bomb Squadron
Snow, Wilbur D.
749th Bomb Squadron
Snow, William R.
748th Bomb Squadron
Sobjek, Jerome A.
749th Bomb Squadron
Soenke, Leonard P.
748th Bomb Squadron
Sofranko, Joseph M.
750th Bomb Squadron
Soules, Bill
750th Bomb Squadron
Southwood, Duane E.
748th Bomb Squadron
Spaight, Robert C.
750th Bomb Squadron
Spatz, Delmar G.
750th Bomb Squadron
Spencer, Fred A.
751st Bomb Squadron
Spies, August F.
751st Bomb Squadron
Spillane, Francis G.
749th Bomb Squadron
Spurrier, Chester L.
751st Bomb Squadron
Srout, Jack H.
751st Bomb Squadron
Stahl, Steadman S.
751st Bomb Squadron
Stalling, Fred D.
750th Bomb Squadron
Stanley, Roe
unknown Bomb Squadron
Stann, Leon
749th Bomb Squadron
Starnes, John P.
750th Bomb Squadron
Stateman, George A.
748th Bomb Squadron
Stauff, Oscar B.
751st Bomb Squadron
Steadman, Fred L.
749th Bomb Squadron
Stempler, Herbert L.
748th Bomb Squadron
Stern, Peter G.
750th Bomb Squadron
Stevens, Edward R.
750th Bomb Squadron
Stevenson, Fred M.
750th Bomb Squadron
Stevenson, Fred M.
750th Bomb Squadron
Stevenson, Robert L.
750th Bomb Squadron
Stewart, Charles L.
749th Bomb Squadron
Stitely, Floyd T.
748th Bomb Squadron
Stohl, Rudolph M.
749th Bomb Squadron
Stortz, Winfried E.
751st Bomb Squadron
Stowe, Ralph R.
751st Bomb Squadron
Stowits, Dwayne E.
751st Bomb Squadron
Strauss, Stewart L.
457th Bomb Group
Stringer, William L.
751st Bomb Squadron
Strosser, Walter C.
748th Bomb Squadron
Stutman, Bernard
749th Bomb Squadron
Stutzman, Ralph D.
750th Bomb Squadron
Sudduth, Warren H.
750th Bomb Squadron
Suer, Paul H.
751st Bomb Squadron
Suggs, Willie N.
748th Bomb Squadron
Sullivan, Claude
750th Bomb Squadron
Sundling, Walter
749th Bomb Squadron
Swain, Donald V.
751st Bomb Squadron
Swanberg, Carl G.
748th Bomb Squadron
Swanson, Stanley D.
748th Bomb Squadron
Sweeny, John J.
749th Bomb Squadron
Sweetman, Donald
749th Bomb Squadron
Sydejko, Joseph F.
751st Bomb Squadron
Syptak, Raymond A.
749th Bomb Squadron
Syzdlowski, Stanley P.
749th Bomb Squadron
Tadje, John W.
750th Bomb Squadron
Tague, Wendell C.
749th Bomb Squadron
Taifer, Jack E.
748th Bomb Squadron
Tangherlini, Eugene F.
Asst. Engineering Officer
Tangney, Robert R.
748th Bomb Squadron
Tauscher, James D.
748th Bomb Squadron
Taylor, John H.
751st Bomb Squadron
Taylor, Joseph
751st Bomb Squadron
Templin, Robert C.
751st Bomb Squadron
Tengler, Erwin E.
748th Bomb Squadron
Terjak, Paul J.
748th Bomb Squadron
Thames, Jack M.
748th Bomb Squadron
Thistle, William T.
751st Bomb Squadron
Thole, Ralph J.
749th Bomb Squadron
Thomas, James E.
749th Bomb Squadron
Thomas, McDee
748th Bomb Squadron
Thompson, Albert L.
748th Bomb Squadron
Thompson, Melvin D.
748th Bomb Squadron
Thompson, Nelson
Photo Technician
Thompson, Quentin P.
749th Bomb Squadron
Thunberg, Donald R.
751st Bomb Squadron
Tiedemann, Alfred F.
750th Bomb Squadron
Timmons, Robert A.
749th Bomb Squadron
Tinkler, William P.
750th Bomb Squadron
Toal, James D.
748th Bomb Squadron
Toth, Joe A.
751st Bomb Squadron
Tonelli, Dino H.
750th Bomb Squadron
Toomey, Patrick C.
751st Bomb Squadron
Toppelstein, Paul
Tozzi, Anthony J.
750th Bomb Squadron
Trapp, Richard C.
751st Bomb Squadron
Treadwell, Thomas L.
748th Bomb Squadron
Tripp, Charles S.
748th Bomb Squadron
Trom, Frank P.
751st Bomb Squadron
Truba, Roy R.
751st Bomb Squadron
Tulowitzki, Carl
748th Bomb Squadron
Tuttle, Frank D.
unknown Bomb Squadron
Tyson, Archie Mervin
Ulander, Carl G.
751st Bomb Squadron
Umoff, Alexis P.
750th Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Upton, Clifford A.
751st Bomb Squadron
Vaal, Harry
749th Bomb Squadron
Van Deilen, Harlen J.
750th Bomb Squadron
Van Ingen, John V.
748th Bomb Squadron
Van Tine, Edwin C.
748th Bomb Squadron
Vance, Dale L.
751st Bomb Squadron
Vann, Kenneth R.
750th Bomb Squadron
Vanook, Sydney
751st Bomb Squadron
Vassilopoulos, George N.
751st Bomb Squadron
Venerofsky, Julius
748th Bomb Squadron
Vera, Raul
748th Bomb Squadron
Vey, John C.
unknown Bomb Squadron
Villane, Anthony
751st Bomb Squadron
Vittitow, Leonard O.
751st Bomb Squadron
Voytko, Andrew G.
749th Bomb Squadron
Waggoner, Edwin D.
748th Bomb Squadron
Wagner, William R.
749th Bomb Squadron
Wagoner, Walter F.
749th Bomb Squadron
Walicki, John J.
750th Bomb Squadron
Walker, Robert K.
751st Bomb Squadron
Walker, Roy L.
751st Bomb Squadron
Wall, Kenneth R.
749th Bomb Squadron
Wallace, John B.
751st Bomb Squadron
Wallace, Patrick H.
751st Bomb Squadron
Walmer, Herman D.
751st Bomb Squadron
Walsh, Lawrence J.
750th Bomb Squadron
Waltho, Percy
751st Bomb Squadron
Ward, John W.
750th Bomb Squadron
Warner, Rudolph G.
748th Bomb Squadron
Wasserman, Morris M.
751st Bomb Squadron
Waters, William F.
749th Bomb Squadron
Watson, Leroy H.
748th Bomb Squadron
Weaver, Richard C.
749th Bomb Squadron
Webber, C.O.
750th Bomb Squadron
Webster, Noble L.
748th Bomb Squadron
Welling, Irwin A.
748th Bomb Squadron
Wells, Clinton E.
749th Bomb Squadron
Wescott, William J.
748th Bomb Squadron
Westwood, Joseph R.
748th Bomb Squadron
Wetzel, Leroy E.
Unknown Bomb Squadron
Whalen, Eugene H.
750th Bomb Squadron
Wharton, Guy P.
751st Bomb Squadron
Wheatley, Joseph R.
750th Bomb Squadron
Wheeler, Robert R.
748th Bomb Squadron
Whitby, Robert A.
750th Bomb Squadron
White, Edward R.
748th Bomb Squadron
White, John W.
750th Bomb Squadron
White, Randall N.
749th Bomb Squadron
Whitlow, Artie J.
751st Bomb Squadron
Whitman, Gerald E.
751st Bomb Squadron
Whitten, Audry B.
750th Bomb Squadron
Whitten, Kenneth D.
749th Bomb Squadron
Wilcox, Ray G.
751st Bomb Squadron
Wilkerson, John R.
748th Bomb Squadron
Will, Harry E.
751st Bomb Squadron
Willborn, W.
750th Bomb Squadron
Williams, Albert C.
751st Bomb Squadron
Williams, Erwin K.
749th Bomb Squadron
Williams, Herbert
Williams, James C.
749th Bomb Squadron
Williams, Sherrill R.
751st Bomb Squadron
Wills, Robert E.
749th Bomb Squadron
Wilson, Alfred P.
748th Bomb Squadron
Wilson, Hershel L.
751st Bomb Squadron
Windell, R.
750th Bomb Squadron
Windham, Marshall T.
750th Bomb Squadron
Winter, William S.
749th Bomb Squadron
Winters, Craig K.
751st Bomb Squadron
Wodek, Anthony G.
749th Bomb Squadron
Wolff, Alfred G.
750th Bomb Squadron
Woodard, Earl E.
750th Bomb Squadron
Woodell, Morris J.
749th Bomb Squadron
Woodgate, James E.
750th Bomb Squadron
Woods, Kenneth D.
749th Bomb Squadron
Woyurka, Michael
750th Bomb Squadron
Wright, William C.
749th Bomb Squadron
Wright, William J.
749th Bomb Squadron
Yap, Kenneth K.
751st Bomb Squadron
Young, Albert E.
750th Bomb Squadron
Young, Harold H.
748th Bomb Squadron
Younger, Samuel P.
748th Bomb Squadron
Zamecnik, William
749th Bomb Squadron
Zeiler, Donald L.
748th Bomb Squadron
Zelikofsky, Gerald
749th Bomb Squadron
Zemper, Duane
Group Photo Officer
Zigler, Donald S.
751st Bomb Squadron
Zimmerman, Leon J.
751st Bomb Squadron
Zalusky, Paul M.
751st Bomb Squadron