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Lt. Max R. Morrow Crew

750th Bomb Squadron

This photo was taken just before the crew was lost on the February 24th 1944 mission
Lt. Max R. Morrow (P), Lt. Thomas G. Davis (C-P), Lt. Daren A. McIntyre (N), Lt. Robert G. Horn (B), Sgt. George B. Lee (A-E), Sgt. Everett M. Tyler W-G), Sgt. David E. Wallace (R-O), Sgt. Bernard E. Harris (W-G), Sgt. Italo Stella (B-T), Sgt. Merton R. Cattanach (T-G)

This crew was lost on February 24st 1944 during the groups third mission
Lt. Max R. Morrow (P) – POW
Lt. Thomas G. Davis (C-P) – POW
Lt. Daren A. McIntyre (N) – KIA
Lt. Robert G. Horn (B) – POW
Sgt. George B. Lee (A-E) – POW
Sgt. David E. Wallace (R-O) – POW
Sgt. Everett M. Tyler (W-G) – POW
Sgt. Bernard E. Harris (W-G) – POW
Sgt. Italo Stella (B-T) – KIA
Sgt. Merton R. Cattanach (T-G) – POW

1. Mission 3 – Schweinfurt Germany – February 24th 1944
A/C #42-38060

This crew was lost on the February 24th 1944 mission, the third mission of the group