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4 AUGUST, 1944

For its second operation of the day, while the Anklam mission was still operational, the Group sent up two 12-aircraft formations as the 94th A and B forces against Fiefs and Coubronne, No Ball targets in France. This operation was part of a mid-afternoon blow by 104 aircraft at No Ball and targets of opportunity. Lts. Reilly and Beicher led the formations.

Reaching the target areas, both boxes found cloud coverage that prevented visual bombing. The B force, whose target was Fiefs, did a 180 degree turn and returned to the coast with the intent to bomb an airfield there, but that target too was obscured and the force continued to the Base with its bombs.

The A force passed inland beyond its primary target, Coubronne, heading south and east. Nearing Lille, the formation found cloud coverage decreased, took advantage of this to make a visual run on Lille/Vendeville airfield and bombed the runway from an altitude of 25,000 feet. The force turned eastward from this target to avoid flak, crossed the enemy coast southwest of Ostend and returned to the Base without incident.

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