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27 AUGUST, 1944

Target Berlin, Germany 457th Bomb Group Association
All of the centers of aircraft production, engines, parts and final assembly in the Berlin area were selected for further bombing. Twenty-eight combat wings were assigned targets. The formations flew north over Denmark and the Baltic Sea, as if to strike at north German targets as was done two days ago. Major Watson, Air Commander, and Captain Brannan, pilot, led the thirty-six plane formation supplied by the 457th Group, which was flying as the 94th B Combat Wing. Upon nearing the Danish coast, the scouting force advised the Division Leader that because of weather conditions it was impossible to continue on the briefed course.

A left turn was then made with the B Combat Wing following in trail. Other wings turned around. A northerly course was held for a short period and then the Division made a 180 turn to the south in an apparent attempt to locate a target of opportunity. A Division recall was received, but the Division Leader again headed north over Denmark with the 94th B Combat Wing in trail. Half an hour later, the Leader turned west toward the coast at which point the B Combat Wing left and headed for England.

High clouds running north and south over Denmark were a bamer to the compact formations of the heavy bombers. The bombers of the 45 7th Group returned to the Base without having dropped their bombs.

Sgt. Albert G. Williams, 457th/751st gunner: Today the target was Big “B”. I wasn’t on the loading list. The fellows flew for 8 and a half hours, and never dropped their bombs. They got to the Danish Peninsula and found that the continent was completely overcast. The mission was recalled.

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