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2 OCTOBER, 1944

Major Snow led the Group to bomb the Ordinance Depot at Kassel. The Group provided a thirty-six ship formation comprising the 94th B Combat Wing, flying second in the Division formation. The Group assembled without incident and left England as briefed.

Entering the Continent over Belgium, the formation flew a course to a point just east of Frankfurt. From there the Group headed to the IP, seven minutes behind schedule. Approximately eight-tenths clouds existed at the IP necessitating an initial PFF run. However, at the last minute it was decided to bomb the primary visually.

The turn at the IF was made northeast of course. On the bomb run the target was approached on a combination visual and PFF run. The lead squadron sighted for both rate and course for the entire Group. The high squadron bombed in Group formation, while the low squadron, following in trail, released its bombs on the smoke markers of the lead squadron. Results of the bombing were fair. A concentration of hits was observed along the southern edge of the target area with two bursts on buildings within the area. Scattered bursts were plotted east and south in open fields and ten bursts in the town one mile east of the target area. Numerous bursts were observed in the target area itself. Flak at the target was moderate, but very accurate and lasted for approximately five minutes. Fifteen aircraft sustained damage. Fighter support was excellent.

The plane piloted by Lt. James W. Franklin sustained hits in the No. 2 and 3 engines; he crash-landed in Belgium, but the entire crew returned to Glatton a few days later.

Sgt. Albert G. Williams, 457th/751st gunner: Eighth mission completed! Bombed with P.F.F. and the target was Kassel. The FLAK was intense. One piece stuck in the ship

Lt. Edwin B. Benson, 457th/749th bombardier: Mission 11. Kassel, R.R. yard. Time 8.10. Lead. Dep. (wing) FLAK. Oescher Finished

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