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26 OCTOBER, 1944

The Bielefeld Ordinance Depot, last attacked by the Eighth Air Force on 7 October, was subjected to a strong attack by the 94th Combat Wing. Colonel Rogner, flying his first mission as Group Commander, flew as Air Commander for the Wing and the 457th flew the Division lead.

Lead crew Lt. Higgins

The route over England was flown above briefed altitude and with deviations in course to avoid clouds. The Division Assembly line was flown as briefed with the Group in the proper position. The turn on the IP was made as briefed. Ten-tenths cloud coverage over the target area made it necessary to bomb the primary by PFF. The run was made by squadrons in trail. he lead and high squadrons released their bombs by means of their PFF equipment. The low squadron dropped a moment later on the smoke marker of the lead squadron. No flak was encountered on the bomb run.

The target area, which contained four large, four medium and three small buildings, was almost completely demolished. After bombs away, the Group flew the briefed course back to the English coast where it dispersed. Fighter escort had been excellent throughout the mission and the Group sustained no losses.
