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23 NOVEMBER, 1944

The synthetic oil plant at Gelsenkirchen was the target for the 457th, with Captain Dozier as Air Commander and Lt. Barrier as pilot. The Group comprised the 94th B Combat Wing. Assembly was without incident and proper position of fifth in the Division assembly line was assumed. The route to the IP was flown as briefed. About eight minutes before the IP, the lead was taken over by the Deputy Lead.

Cloud coverage over the primary target was ten tenths. Consequently it was decided to bomb by G-H. The lead squadron was flying at 25,900 feet. Since this was the only squadron with operative G-H equipment, the bombs were dropped in Group formation. Results were not observed.

Flak was meager and inaccurate over the target. On the return route in the vicinity of Amsterdam, the formation was forced to take extensive evasive action in order to avoid flak. Today was Thanksgiving Day; however, it had been no day of rest, attending a football game or having a turkey feast.

The following Thanksgiving message was transmitted to personnel of the Base by the Commanding Officer, Colonel Rogner:
“Today Americans all over the world are celebrating one of our oldest holidays. A year ago many of us observed this day in our own homes, or at least within the limits of our own country. This year in England, on the Continent and in the Pacific area, we carry with us the traditions of this great holiday.

“In spite of the fact that this Thanksgiving Day will be spent in unusual circumstances, far from home, there is much to be thankful for. We are closer to our goal. The prospects for the victory which we all desire are good, and we shall be proud to have had a part in its achievements.

“I wish to extend my personal greetings to all personnel of this Station on this Thanksgiving Day, and to hope that this day next year, we will be able to be thankfulfor an accomplished victory and peace.”

Lt. Edwin B. Benson, 457th/749th bombardier: Mission 17. Gelsenkirchen. Oil Plant.Time 7.30. Lead. Dep. FLAK

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