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25 NOVEMBER, 1944

The 457th attacked the Leuna synthetic oil plant at Merseburg. Major Leon Stann was Air Commander. The Group comprised the 94th C Combat Wing. Assembly, and joining Division formation, were without incident.

The route to the target was flown as briefed, but the Group continued to gain time because winds were not as briefed. At the IP, the decision was made to bomb by PFF. The bombing was done in group formation with all three squadrons releasing on the smoke marker of the lead aircraft. The target was attacked from 25,300 feet.

Although heavy clouds prevented complete assessment, results were fair. Bombs observed by crews over target fell away from the target. Only damage was from a few strikes in the edge of Merseburg and a small village.

The craft flown by Lt. Jack B. Wescott, left the formation after the target, due to lack of oxygen. Damage caused by flak over Dunkirk caused him to crash land his ship near Marek, France. The crew subsequently returned to the base.

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