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29 NOVEMBER, 1944

This was the Group’s second successive attack on the natural oil refinery at Misburg, but again the bombing results were unobserved due to ten tenths cloud cover over the target. A regular group of 36 aircraft was dispatched plus a screening force referred to as “D” Squadron.

With Lt. Colonel Francis in the lead, the Group effected assembly and the formation proceeded to the Continent. At the Dutch coast a three-gun battery threw up some meager and inaccurate flak. From the coast the Group flew east to a point between Bremen and Osnabruck, where it headed southeast into the IP. From there a ninety degree turn to the left brought the formation on the bomb run. Bombs were dropped from 26,200 feet. Bomb results were unobserved because of cloud undercast. Flak was meager and inaccurate.

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