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6 DECEMBER, 1944

Leuna’s synthetic oil refineries were the targets of the day, and Merseburg was again subjected to aerial attack from the 457th. Major Spencer was Air Commander and Lt. Seesenguth was pilot. Thirty-six planes comprised the 94th B Combat Wing. The route over England was flown as briefed and the Division assembly line was flown on course at proper altitude.

The route over enemy territory until immediately before the IP was flown approximately as briefed. About five minutes prior to the IP, the lead squadron deviated about four miles to the right of course, causing it to become separated from the high and low squadrons. After having become separated, the high and low squadrons executed an unsuccessful 360 degree turn in search of the lead squadron.
The lead squadron made a PFF run on the target because of solid cloud coverage. Tne lead craft of the high squadron Performed the sighting operation for both the high and low squadrons on their run on the PFF target.

The lead squadron tacked on to the 40 1st Bomb Group; the high and low squadrons flew back together and the Group returned to base without further incident.

Although antiaircraft fire was intense over the target, the cloud coverage prevented the planes from being visual targets. However, four planes received major, and nine minor, damage. None were lost

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