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The primary visual and G-H target for the Group was the Stuttgart-Boblingen airfield, considerably damaged by the Eighth Air Force on 13 September 1944. Major Snow led the Group of thirty

After Group assembly, Division assembly was accomplished, with the 457th assuming its proper position, fourth in the Division line. The course over the continent was flown approximately as briefed, except that the Group had to climb above briefed altitude because of contrails, which caused it to be behind schedule.

The IP was reached on course, but bombing was not done in proper order because the G-H equipment in the lead craft, and in the high squadron, was not functioning satisfactorily. The low squadron preceded the lead squadron, and the high squadron followed in trail.
The low squadron bombed using G-H equipment. Cloud coverage was seven tenths and the MPI was not identified. The main concentration of the bombs carried by each plane fell in fields between the northwestern edge of the airfield and the now destroyed Sindelfingen Daimler-Benz motor works. There were about ten scattered hits on the landing ground itself. The lead squadron had contemplated bombing on the smoke markers of the low squadron, but about thirty seconds before the BRL, the general target area opened up enough to permit a visual assist. The MPI was not identified and triangulation had to be used. The bombs were released, covering the southwestern end of the landing ground in open fields in the vicinity.

The high squadron intended to drop on the smoke markers of the lead squadron, but the interval between the two squadrons was too large and it was unable to make formation. It then made a PFF run with a visual assist.

After turning off the target, the Group was unable to rejoin the Division formation immediately, deviating to the right to avoid clouds. No antiaircraft fire was encountered on the mission and all crews returned safely.

Lt. Edwin B. Benson, 457th/749th bombardier: Mission 18. Sindelfingen. Air Field. Time 8.50. Low. Lead. No FLAK. 55oC

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