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11 DECEMBER, 1944

Target Frankfurt, Germany 457th Bomb Group Association
Striking again at rail facilities supplying the German armies in the West, the 457th attacked the marshalling yards at Frankfurt. The formation of thirty-six craft comprised the 94th C Combat Wing. Captain Dozier was Air Commander and Lt. Seesenguth was pilot. Assembly was at briefed altitude plus 3,000 feet, because of clouds.

The route over England was flown above briefed altitude. While flying over enemy territory, the Group had to make slight deviations in order to remain in Division formation. The Group was about eight minutes early, because winds were not as briefed. At the IP, the Group was to the right of course, but a successful run was made. Complete overcast existed over the target area, and it was necessary to bomb in group formation by means of PFF equipment. Bombs were released from 25,000 feet.

Flak was light and the Group sustained no losses.

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