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15 DECEMBER, 1944

Weather grounded the Eighth for three days. It was 15 December before a mission could become airborne.

In a continuing effort to disrupt Germany’s transportation system, the marshalling yards at Kassel were the target. Major Peresich led the thirty-six plane formation comprising the 94th B Combat Wing, flying second in the Division line.

After assembling, the Group climbed approximately 2,500 feet above briefed altitude because of weather conditions. As a result of the additional climbing, the Group arrived at the first Control Point about three minutes late and ten miles right of course.

Division assembly line was not flown as briefed, but the Group was in proper position behind the 35 1st Bomb Group. Because of poor visibility at the Dutch coast, the low squadron fell behind the formation and was unable to see the other two squadrons. Course to the target was flown approximately as briefed, except the Group was a little above briefed altitude in order to avoid weather conditions.

The IP was reached on time, about five miles left of course. Bombing was done in Group formation by means of PFF equipment. Dense contrails hindered visibility and made it difficult to identify the lead squadron. The low squadron, having dropped a short distance behind the lead, released its bombs a minute later than the other two squadrons. Altitude over the target was 27,500 feet. Cloud tops were estimated at approximately 30,000 feet, and the results of the bombing were unobserved. Flak was light and no losses were sustained.

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