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30 DECEMBER, 1944

Although the weather was still unfavorable for flying, the Eighth put 1200 planes aloft for extensive attacks on transportation and communication targets.

The primary target was Limburg with Kaiserslautern the PFF target. Major Peresich led the Group, forming the 94th C / Combat Wing, which was to be eighth in the Division formation. The 457th formed late and was unable to find the preceding group.

The Group was on course and at proper altitude, Division assembly line was flown on course, and it is believed that the Group was in proper position, although, because of the interval separating the two, the preceding group could not be identified. Course over the Continent was flown as briefed, with the exception that the Group was behind time, and a considerable distance behind the preceding group.

The formation went left of course in order to intercept the Division formation and joined in close formation with the Division. From this point the Group was in trail of the Division formation as it deviated to the right of the briefed course.

A bomb run was begun on the visual target, but about one quarter of the way down the run, it became evident that cloud coverage would not permit visual bombing. The formation then turned to the right in order to make a run on the PFF secondaiy. Bombing was to be done in Group formation. The PFF equipment of both the lead and deputy lead craft was not functioning normally and the lead was turned over to the high squadron leader. The high squadron leader passed directly over the target, but did not know it because the PFF malfunctioned just before the target. Shortly thereafter, the Group leader’s PFF equipment began to function normally. The crew took back the lead, picked up an arbitrary IP, and began a bomb run from a southwesterly direction. Bomb results were unobserved due to ten-tenths cloud coverage.
The craft piloted by Lt. William R. McCall crash landed in France without injury to crew members.

(Compiler’s Note: Li. McCall later served in the Air National Guard, with periods of active duty, and attained the rank of Brigadier General.)

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