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31 DECEMBER, 1944

On the final day of the year, the Eighth again put over 1200 bombers aloft.

Major Maguire led the mission to bomb the marshalling yards at Uerdingen, a railway transportation center lying on the west bank of the Rhine between Dusseldorf and Duisberg, next to Krefeld. The target had not been previously bombed by the Eighth Air Force. The 457th comprised the 94th A Combat Wing. Wing assembly was accomplished without difficulty.

The Group flew to the left of the briefed course in order to get into Division formation. Division assembly line was flown as briefed. Course to the target was flown on the briefed route, but the Group was behind schedule because of head winds. No other difficulties were encountered.

The IP was not visible. Bombing was in Group formation by means of G-H equipment, with a possible visual assist. Cloud coverage was ten tenths during the majority of the bomb run, clearing to two to three tenths near the BRL. Bombing was done entirely by G-H.
The high squadron was slightly behind and unable to see the smoke markers of the lead, but sighted bombs away. The bombardier held the bombs momentarily and then released. Bombs were released from 27,100 feet.

No bombs hit in the target area. They fell far left of the target, a few hitting in a barracks area on a small airfield on the southwest corner of Krefeld, the remainder in open fields. Flak was moderate but accurate with eight craft being damaged.

The Luftwaffe engaged in battle with the Third Air Division and claimed 27 planes.

The year 1944 ended with no end of the war in sight. The Air War would continue into 1945. The celebration of a Happy New Year would have to wait until 1946. Fireworks would not be measured in inches, but by pounds.

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