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1 JANUARY, 1945

The New Year commenced with the 45 7th launching 36 aircraft to bomb the oil refinery and facilities at Derben, the primary target. Targets for the entire 1St Division were oil facilities and transportation junctions in western Germany.

Major Spencer was Air Commander. The Group constituted the 94th B Combat Wing, flying behind the 35 1st Group. Some difficulty was encountered in assembly because of darkness. It was necessary to “S” on course in order to stay behind the 35 1st, and to remain in Wing formation.

Division assembly line was flown approximately on the briefed course. The Group assumed proper position in Division formation and at briefed altitude. Over the North Sea, the Group deviated to the right of course in order to avoid clouds. At the Danish coast, several groups were jammed close together, and the 45 7th swung wide to the right of course in order to gain sufficient interval behind the preceding groups.

The Group made a run on the primary target, but it was covered by clouds. It then proceeded to the visual secondary, but it was also covered. It then proceeded to Kassel, the target of opportunity, to bomb the marshalling yards by instruments. The majority of the bomb run was covered by clouds, but the general target area was clear. The bomb run commenced as a PFF run with squadrons in Group formation. The lead bombardier picked up a selected MPI just after the IP, and it was decided to attack the target visually. There was not enough time to get in normal bombing order for a visual run, so bombing was done in Group formation, with all squadrons releasing their bombs on the smoke markers of the Group lead aircraft. Bombs were released from 25,000 feet. Bombing results were observed to be good.
Flak was moderate but accurate with fourteen aircraft sustaining damage.

Lt. Edwin B. Benson, 457th/749th bombardier: Mission 22. Kassel. R.R. yards. Time 9.00. High. Lead. FLAK. Cook’s Tour to Target

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