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2 JANUARY, 1944

The Communications center of Mayen, west of Coblenz, was the designated target. The Group comprised of the 94th A Combat Wing with Lt. Col. Francis as Air Commander and First Division Commander. Combat Wing assembly was not accomplished until the first Control Point. The Group arrived at the first Control Point on course and in proper position in Division formation.

Division assembly line was flown approximately as briefed except that the formation was a little early. Course over the Continent was flown approximately as briefed. A double drift was executed about four minutes after crossing the Belgian coast, in order to lose time and allow the remainder of the Division to close up the formation. Remainder of course to the IP was flown as briefed.

The Group attacked the primary target visually, with squadrons in trail, each performing its own sighting operation. Visibility was unlimited, with low stratocumulus clouds around the target area. The target area also had patches of ground fog. The MPI was identified by all squadrons about eight minutes before the BRL. Strike photos indicate the bomb results to be only fair. Flak was light with only one craft sustaining damage.

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