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3 JANUARY, 1944

Communication centers were again the selected targets, with the 45 7th being assigned the target at Cologne-Hermulheim. The 457th had been to the same area five times between 27 September and 17 October.

The Group comprised the 94th C Combat Wing, with Captain Doherty flying as Air Commander. Combat Wing assembly was not accomplished as briefed.

The 94th A Combat Wing leader was early and the Group was approximately three minutes late. The Group made up lost time and was on course. However, the remainder of the Wing was three minutes early and a considerable distance ahead of the 457th.

The Group was in proper position in Division formation, but the interval between the 45 7th and the preceding group was so large that it was impossible for the Group leader to identify it. Along the Division assembly line, a combat wing was slightly off to the right of course and the Group Leader, believing it to be the 94th Wing, began to go right of course in order to assemble his Group in proper position.

Over the Continent, the 457th continued to fly south of course, still attempting to join the combat wing to the right. As the Group neared, it was evident it was a wing from another Division, and the Group leader turned back toward the briefed course. Upon coming back on course, the Group came in between the 41st A and B Groups and flew the remainder of the course approximately on the briefed route.

The IP was crossed on course. Bombing was done in Group formation, by means of G-H equipment, because of ten tenths undercast. Bombs were dropped from 25,000 feet. Results were unobserved.

Lt. Edwin B. Benson, 457th/749th bombardier: Mission 23. Hermulhein (Cologne). R.R. yards. Time 6.45. High. Lead. FLAK

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