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6 JANUARY, 1944

The ground troops were requesting that the Eighth Air Force hit certain targets, primarily communication centers and transportation hubs. The 45 7th was assigned a communications center in the small town of Kempenich, located eighteen miles west of Coblenz.

The Group, flying ninth in Division formation, comprised the 94th A Combat Wing, with Major Stann as Air Commander. Combat Wing assembly was accomplished without incident. As the Group neared the Belgian coast, the 41st Combat Wing drew along side the formation, making it necessary for the Group to deviate to the right of course. After a brief period, the Group came back on course, but it was still unable to swing behind the 41st Combat Wing, so a cut across the briefed route to the left of course was made in order to gain sufficient interval. The Group arrived at the IF on course, but eight minutes late because of the deviation to the left and right of course on the route over the Continent.

Bombing was done in Group formation, by means of G-H equipment. The low squadron released bombs one minute earlier than the lead, mistaking the smoke markers of another formation for those of the 457th Group formation. Cloud coverage at the target was ten tenths and the general target area could not be identified visually.

Bombs were released from 23,500 feet. Results were unobserved due to ten tenths cloud coverage. Flak was light and no planes were damaged.

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