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7 JANUARY, 1945

The highway intersection at Bitburg, where eight highways converge, was the tactical target for the 457th Bomb Group. The 457th comprised the 94th B Combat Wing with Captain Dozier as Air Commander. Assembly was without incident, other than difficulty in getting into Wing formation. Division assembly line was flown approximately as briefed, with the Group in proper position.

The route to the IP was flown on time, on course and approximately at briefed altitude. The IP was reached a little right of course because the G-H navigator brought the formation south of course in order to start the bomb run.

The route from the IP to the target was flown by means of (i-H navigation, and course varied from the briefed route. The Group bombed the primary target by means of G-H equipment because of ten tenths cloud coverage. Bombs were dropped from 24,900 feet. Bomb results were unobserved due to clouds.

Flak was light and none of the craft sustained damage.

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