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21 JANUARY, 1945

The marshalling yards at Aschaffenburg were the assigned target, located near Frankfurt. The rail center connected the Ruhr Valley with the Italian and Romanian fronts. The Group comprised the 94th B Combat Wing with Major Smith as Air Commander. Combat Wing assembly was accomplished without difficulty. However, the Group encountered bad weather conditions and swung to the right of course.

At this juncture, the formation became separated from the Division column. The Group was a considerable distance behind the preceding group and it was necessary to deviate to the right of the Division assembly line in order to intercept the Wing and the Division column over the Continent.

Finally, the Group rejoined the Division behind the 94th A Group. Before reaching the IP it was necessary to go above briefed altitude because of clouds and weather conditions.

The IP was crossed on course and above briefed altitude. Bombing was done in Group formation by means of PFF equipment, because of ten tenths cloud coverage. Dense, persistent contrails hampered the run. Bombs were dropped from 25,200 feet. Bombing results were obscured due to ten tenths cloud coverage. One plane sustained flak damage.

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