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22 JANUARY, 1945

The target was the synthetic oil plant at Sterkrade, located in the northwest corner of the Ruhr Valley. It was believed to be the only Ruhr target of its type left in operation, and was the primary target of Mission No. 176. It had not been successfully attacked since 22 November. The Group supplied twenty-four aircraft for the 94th C lead and low C Combat Wing, with Major Spencer as Air Commander. Combat Wing assembly was accomplished without difficulty.

Division assembly line was not flown as briefed because it was necessary to go to the right of course in order to stay in proper position in Division formation. Course to the IP was flown as briefed. The Group was about four minutes behind schedule, in proper position and at proper interval behind the 94th B Group.

The Group started to make a G-H run and the target became visible about three minutes before the BRL. Bombing was done by squadrons. There were slight clouds and visibility was good. The low squadron experienced considerable difficulty on the bomb run on the primary when the squadron was forced to hold its bombs in order to avoid releasing the bombs on another formation which passed beneath it just at the BRL. The squadron then proceeded to Osnabruck, a target of opportunity.

Operational Route Forecast

The lead and low boxes, by reason of the circumstances mentioned above, became separated and both squadrons proceeded to the Base individually.

The plane piloted by Lt. Arthur G. Jellinek was hit by flak near Recklinghausen, suffered loss of elevator control, dropped out of formation, went into a dive, and then appeared to level off under control. A minute later it was lost from sight. All crew members successfully parachuted from the crippled craft in the Munster area, and became prisoners of war. Because of adverse weather conditions the Group was inactive for six days.

Sgt. Leo I. McCombs, 457th/750th radio-operator: Take off at 10.00 – landing at 16.00. Carrying 10 500lbs bombs. On oxygen for 4,5 hours. Heavy FLAK. 6.00 hour mission. In FLAK for 28 minutes! FLAK hit me on finger.

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