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1 FEBRUARY, 1945

The primary target was the marshalling yards at Ludwigshafen. The Group comprised the 94th B Combat Wing, with Major Snow as Air Commander. Wing assembly was accomplished without difficulty. Division assembly line was flown approximately as briefed.

Over enemy territory, it became necessary to climb to briefed altitude plus 1,000 feet, in order to get above adverse weather. Deviations to the left of course were caused by the necessity of remaining in Division formation. The Group remained at 26,000 feet instead of 25,000 feet as briefed. The formation was early because of a wind change.

The IP was crossed as briefed. Cloud coverage was ten tenths and it was necessary to bomb by instruments. Bombing was done by squadrons in trail. The lead squadron performed a Micro-H sighting. The low squadron bombed on the lead aircraft’s smoke markers. The high squadron performed its own sighting operation. Bombs were released from 26,000 feet. Results were unobserved due to ten tenths cloud coverage.

After bombing, the Group rallied with the Division and followed the approximate briefed course home. A considerable amount of time was lost because of strong head winds; however, the Group landed without further incident.

Flak was light and none of the planes suffered damage. The Group flying the formation to the rear caught the brunt of the enemy’s defensive fire.

Lt. Edwin B. Benson, 457th/749th bombardier: Mission 27. Ludwigshafen, R.R. yards. Time 8.30. Low. Lead. FLAK. Parker finished

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