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10 FEBRUARY, 1945

The synthetic oil refineries at Wesel were the primary targets, with the German Air Force fuel depot at Dulmen secondary. The Group comprised the 94th B Combat Wing with Major Havey as Air Commander.

Assembly was at 21,000 feet. Upon nearing the first Control Point, it was learned that the Wing formation was behind the 45 7th, and it became necessary to execute a 360 degree turn in order to assemble in proper position with the Combat Wing. The first Control Point was reached on course and in proper position in Division column. Division assembly line was flown in trail of the Division Leader. Halfway over the Channel, it was necessary to climb to briefed altitude pIus 1,500 feet in order to avoid clouds.

After the force’s arrival on the Continent, the target area was completely cloud covered and the Group Leader advised circling to permit the target area to clear. The formation followed the Division lead and executed 360 degree turns in the area between Rotterdam and Antwerp. The Division was advised to approach the primary target for a visual run in case the weather cleared, and if conditions were not favorable for visual bombing, to pass on to the secondary target and bomb by instruments.

A run was made on the primary target, but it was covered and the formation proceeded to the secondary target. Bombing was done in squadron formation. It was necessary for the formation to climb on the bomb run because the tops of the clouds were at 26,000 feet. Contrails were moderate and fairly persistent.

The lead aircraft’s Micro-H equipment failed before the BRL and bombs were released on the smoke markers of the 351St Group. The low and high squadrons performed their own sightings, dropping their bombs from 27,000 feet; the low squadron veered to the left just before bombs away, in order to avoid the high squadron’s bombs. Cloud coverage was eight tenths. Bombing results were unobserved due to the cloud coverage.

Flak was light and none of the planes sustained damage.

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