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19 FEBRUARY, 1945

Commencing with this mission, the 457th saw battle for thirteen consecutive days, putting up 468 bombers in the effort. For this mission, the Group comprised the 94th A Combat Wing with Captain Dozier as Air Commander. Combat Wing assembly was accomplished without incident. The Group also was in proper position in Division formation. Along the Division assembly line, groups were echeloned in order to avoid contrails from aircraft of the groups ahead.

The enemy coast was crossed on course. Route to the IF was flown as briefed. The IP was crossed on course. Bombing was done in Group formation, with the lead squadron performing the sighting operation. The bomb run was G-H with a visual assist. Cloud cover was ten tenths until five to ten seconds before the BRL. No interference was encountered on the bomb run.

The low squadron experienced some difficulty in dropping on the lead squadron when the smoke markers of the lead squadron leader’s bombs failed to go off, but the low squadron bombardier was able to release bombs successfully. Bombs were dropped from 26,000 feet and results were reported to be good.

After bombing, the formation executed the briefed turn off the target, and proceeded on the return route. Just before recrossing the IF, the Group executed a 360 degrees turn in order to avoid shuffling with the 379th Group. It had made a 180 degree turn in order to make a second run on the target. Flak was moderate but accurate, with nine planes sustaining damage.

Lt. Edwin B. Benson, 457th/749th bombardier: Mission 29. Gelsenkirchen. Oil plant. Time 6.50. Low. Lead. FLAK.

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