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22 FEBRUARY, 1945

The rail facilities at Salzwedel, located 100 miles northwest of Berlin, were the primary target. The Group comprised the 94th C Combat Wing with Major Stann as Air Commander.

The Group assembled with the Combat Wing without difficulty and followed in Wing formation. Some difficulty was encountered with B-24s flying across the assembly route. The formation went to briefed altitude plus 1,000 feet to avoid interference.

The Group was 1,000 feet above briefed altitude, but in proper position in Wing and Division formation. Division assembly line was flown approximately as briefed. Route over the Continent was flown approximately as briefed and in Division formation. Immediately prior to reaching the IP, the 351st Bomb Group cut to the right, overshooting the IP, forcing the 457th to swing left of the IP.

The Group split up into squadrons in order to begin a visual run on the primary target. The bomb run was not flown on course. The squadrons were left of course because the 35 1st Group, after having overshot the IP, came back on course and was parallel and to the right of the Group. As a result, it was impossible to bomb the primary target on this run. However, the low squadron attacked a secondary target, (a bridge near Dannenberg) because of the interference on the bomb run. The lead and high squadrons executed a 180 degree turn, came back over the primary but could not bomb because the run was too short to permit the bombardier to synchronize properly. A second 180 degree turn was executed and an IP selected. Bombs were released by both lead and high squadrons on this run from 12,000 feet.

Clouds were nil. Some interference with sighting was caused by ground haze. The MPI was identified by the lead about one minute before the BRL and by the high about seven miles from the target. No other difficulties were encountered. Bombing results were generally good.

Flak was light and no damage was done to the bombers.

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