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23 FEBRUARY, 1945

Rail facilities at Bamberg were the primary targets, with Ellingen, located south of Bamberg, the target of opportunity. The Group comprised the 94th B Combat Wing with Major Smith as Air Commander.

Assembly was at briefed altitude plus 3,000 feet because of clouds. Some difficulty was encountered from weather conditions, which hindered assembly. The Group assembled between two cloud layers and was late leaving Glatton because the formation was incomplete.

The route over England was not flown as briefed. On the route, the 457th fell in behind the 351st Bomb Group in Wing formation. The formation was at 18,000 feet and remained at this altitude throughout the course, except on the bomb run. The Group was in proper position in Division column, and flew the Division assembly line as briefed.

The route to the IP was uneventful. Course was flown approximately as briefed. Just before reaching the IP, the weather scouting force advised that the target area had ten-tenths cloud cover and advised the Group Leader that targets assigned to the 3rd Bombardment Division were open.

The IP was crossed on course and then the Group proceeded southwest of the briefed course in search of secondary and last resort targets in the 3rd Division area. Let down below the unclercast was accomplished previous to the IP. Bombing was done visually, in squadron formation. The lead and low squadrons bombed the village of Ellingen from 16,300 feet. The aiming point for the lead squadron was the autobahn in the center of the town. The low squadron synchronized on the railroad north of the city.

The high squadron, not knowing the bombing altitude (as the lead squadron was changing altitudes) was not set up in time to attack Ellingen, so it continued on to the village of Ottingen. The Aiming Point was the railroad near the center of the city. Weather conditions were CAVU for all squadrons. No other difficulties were encountered. Bomb results were observed to be good for all squadrons.

Flak was moderate, with three craft sustaining battle damage.

Lt. Edwin B. Benson, 457th/749th bombardier: Mission 30. Ellingen. R.R. works. Time 9.10. Low. Lead. FLAK

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