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27 FEBRUARY, 1945

A major German city became the third target in three days. This day the marshalling yards at Leipzig were the target. The Group comprised the 94th A Combat Wing with Major Peresich as Air Commander. Wing assembly was without difficulty, but the Group was not in proper position, having assembled behind the 379th Bomb Group. Division assembly route was flown approximately as briefed.

The route to the IP was uneventful and was flown approximately as briefed except that the Group remained behind the 379th Group. The IP was crossed on course.

Cloud coverage was ten tenths and it was necessary to bomb the secondary target by PFF equipment in Group formation. The Group was about 1500 feet above briefed altitude, because, having taken over the position of the 384th Bomb Group, they found it was necessary to remain high in order to maintain staggered altitudes in Division formation. Bombs were dropped from 26,500 feet.

Bomb results were unobserved due to clouds.

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