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28 FEBRUARY, 1945

Marshalling yards were designated as the highest priority transportation targets in the Ruhr Valley. Today’s target for the 457th was in the high priority category, the marshalling yards at Soest. Second only to the Hamm yards, it handled the heaviest traffic from the Ruhr Valley to central Europe.

The Group comprised the 94th C Combat Wing, with Major Spencer as Air Commander. Assembly in the Wing formation and Division line were without incident. The route over the Continent until just before the IP was flown as briefed. Slight deviations off course were made in order to remain in Division formation.

At the IP, the G-H equipment of the lead squadron was not functioning properly and the lead was turned over to the high squadron G-H craft. A G-H bomb run was made on the pnmary target with all squadrons in group formation. Bombs were dropped from 24,800 feet. Results were unobserved due to clouds.

Antiaircraft fire was moderate and fairly inaccurate. The craft piloted by Lt. Roy E. Kirk was forced to ditch in the English Channel. No. 3 engine was on fire and the wing fell off. Six crew members were rescued. Lt. Kirk, Sgt. Edward A. Grover and Sgt. Willard Kmeger lost their lives.

February ended with the Group having flown eighteen missions. The torrid pace the Group commenced on 19 February, would continue into March.

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