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1 MARCH, 1945

The marshalling yards at Goppingen, located east of Soest (Mission No. 198), were the target. They were important because supplies and reinforcements passed through them on the way to the Nazi sagging fortress on the Western Front. The Eighth was attacking rail centers as a follow up to the 23 February missions. The Group comprised the 94th C Combat Wing, with Major Havey as Air Commander. The Group assembled on the Glatton Buncher at briefed altitude plus 3,000 feet, in order to avoid weather conditions and clouds, and Wing formation was assembled without difficulty. The entire Wing formation was early and it was necessary to do a considerable amount of “S- ing”, and to execute numerous double drifts, in order to lose time. The first Control Point was reached on time, on course and in proper position in Division formation. The Division assembly line was flown to the right of course, in order to remain in Division formation.

Flight to the IP was approximately as briefed. Deviations to the right of course were necessary in order to remain in Division formation.

Just before the IP, some difficulty was encountered when he 457th shuffled with a group of the 3rd Division, causing partial break up of the formation. The Group reassembled and crossed the IP on course.

Cloud coverage was eight to ten tenths and it was necessary to make a G-H run on the primary target in Group formation. Bombs were dropped from 20,400 feet. Bomb results were unobserved due to cloud coverage.

Flak was light and no planes sustained damage.

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