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29 MARCH 1944

Eighteen aircraft were dispatched to attack the fighter and bomber Aircraft Assembly Factory of the Muhlenbau Industries at Waggum four miles north of Brunswick. The factory produced Me-liDs. Major George C. Hozier was Air Commander and Lt. Bender was pilot. The Group comprised the low box of the 94th Combat Wing.

Due to heavy clouds, bombing was done by PFF on the secondary target, Brunswick. Bombing results were not observed.

Heavy enemy fighter attacks were made on the formation. Flak was moderate but accurate. Battle damage was heavy. Lt. Lewis W. Lennartson, who had successfully ditched Mission No. 13, already lagging behind the formation, was attacked by two Me-109s. With one engine on fire and one feathered, the crew was forced to bail out over Germany. Lt. Lennarton stayed with the plane, keeping it level in order that the crew could bail out. The craft exploded before he could bail out. The ball turret gunner, Sgt. Omer Fontaine, was also killed in action. Three of the crew were injured. Enemy fighter attacks on the first two Wings had been heavy, forty to fifty strong. The attack on the 457th was made by ten fighters.

Near Dummer Lake, an enemy operated B-17 was observed flying between the 457th and the wing ahead.

Bad weather gave the Group a respite for the remainder of the month. The Group had experienced what would be one of its busiest months of operation, eighteen missions over a twenty eight day period.

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