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7 MARCH, 1945

The marshalling yards at Dortmund were the primar targets. The Group comprised the 94th Lead A Combat Wing with Major Snow as Air Commander. Combat Wing assembly was accomplished without incident.

The Group joined the Division formation and proceeded along the Division assembly line. Following the Division leader, the Group went south of course, in order to avoid clouds and contrails.

Upon crossing the Dutch coast, the Group was still south of course, following the Division leader. As the Group approached the last turn before the IP, the G-H equipment of the lead squadron became inoperative. Lead was turned over to the low squadron instead of the high squadron, because communications between the lead squadron lead and high squadron lead had failed.

A G-H run was begun on the primary target, but the low squadron lead craft’s G-H equipment became inoperative. The Group then proceeded to the secondary target, the marshalling yards at Siegen, to bomb by means of PFF equipment. The lead and low squadrons released their bombs from 25,400 feet without incident, but the high squadron leader failed to see the smoke markers at bombs away, and did not release bombs. Cloud coverage was ten tenths at the target. Bomb results were unobserved due to clouds.

Flak was moderate and four craft sustained damage.

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