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9 MARCH, 1945

The marshalling yards at Kassel and in its vicinity were the primary targets for the entire 1st Division. Traffic had continued to pour through these marshalling yards on the way to the Western Front. The Kassel marshalling yards complex comprised an estimated area of two miles square. The Group led the First Division and its target was the center of the yards.

The Group comprised the 94th A Combat Wing with Colonel Rogner as Air Commander. In addition, the Group put up a screening force of five planes. Group formation and Wing assembly were accomplished without difficulty. The Group was in proper position as the lead of the Division column.

Division assembly line was flown slightly left of course. Route over the Continent was uneventful and was flown as briefed. The Air Commander was notified by the weather scouting force that the target area was open. Interval was taken by the Group with squadrons in trail.

The IP was crossed on course by all three squadrons. The lead squadron was 400 feet below briefed altitude so in the event the squadron had to bomb by G-H equipment, an absolute altitude of 24,000 feet would be attained. Bomb results were observed to be very good.

Flak was moderate and accurate with eleven bombers receiving battle damage.