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10 MARCH, 1945

The rail facilities in Hagen, on the outskirts of Dortmund, were the primary targets, with Hamm, located just north of Dortmund, as the target of opportunity. The Group comprised the 94th C Combat Wing with Major Havey as Air Commander. Group formation and the route over England were flown approximately as briefed. The Group assembled in Wing formation.

Prior to reaching the first Control Point, it was necessary for the Group to deviate off course because the 94th A Group had cut in front of the 35 1st Bomb Group, forcing the deviation. Division assembly line was flown to the right of course in order to avoid prop wash, and to maintain a sufficient interval behind and to the right of Wing formation. The Group was in proper position in numerical order, but was off to the right of the Division Column.

Over the Zuider Zee, there was sufficient interval to permit the Group to swing back on course and in trail of the 351St Bomb Group. Flight to the target was flown approximately on course, except that the Group swung purposely wide of the IP in order to prepare for a G-H run on the primary target. Cloud coverage was ten tenths and a G-H run was begun on the primary target. About halfway down the bomb run, G-H equipment went out and the lead was turned over to the Mickey operator A run was then made on the secondary target the marshalling yards at Hamm. Bombs were dropped from 25,000 feet. Bomb results were unknown due to ten tenths cloud coverage at target.

Antiaircraft fire was moderate, but inaccurate, and no aircraft sustained damage.

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