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11 MARCH, 1945

The submarine and destroyer ship yards at “Little B” were the primary targets. These yards had been attacked seven times by the RAF in the past month and were the target of a PFF bombing by the Eighth Air Force on 24 February. The Group comprised the 94th A Combat Wing with Lt. Col. Francis as Air Commander.

No difficulties were encountered during formation. The route over England was flown approximately as briefed except it was necessary to deviate slightly to the left of course, because the 1st Combat Wing crossed in front of the formation.

The Group was in proper position in Division formation. Division assembly line was flown slightly to the left of course, in trail of the Division.

The route to the IP was flown approximately as briefed except for slight deviations in course in order to remain in Division formation. There was ten tenths undercast in the target area.

Bombing was done in Group formation, by means of PFF equipment. The lead craft performed the sighting operation, with all three squadrons releasing their bombs on the smoke marker of the lead craft. Bombs were dropped from 26,300 feet. Bomb results were unobserved due to cloud coverage.

Antiaircraft fire was moderate, but inaccurate, with no aircraft sustaining damage.

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