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12 MARCH, 1945

The port at the seaside City of Swinemunde was the primary target. It was reported that the battleship, the Admiral Scheer, a destroyer and many smaller vessels were in the main channel and the harbor. It was also reported it was being used as an evacuation port from Russia and Norway, hence traffic was heavy. The port entrance is located at the entrance of the Swine River on the Baltic Sea and is 40 miles from Stettin.

The 457th comprised the 94th A Combat Wing with Major Spencer as Air Commander.

The Group assembled and joined in Wing formation with little difficulty. Route over England was flown north of course in trail of the Wing Leader.

The Group was in proper position in Division formation and Division assembly line was flown approximately as briefed, but the Group kept drifting right of course in the Division column. Over the North Sea, the Division column executed a 90 degree turn in order to get behind the 3rd Division, which was to the left of the formation. After crossing the Danish coast, it was necessary to execute two double drifts to avoid over running the preceding groups. As a result, the Group was approximately twenty miles north of the briefed IP.

Cloud coverage at the target area was ten tenths. Bombing was done by PFF equipment. Each individual squadron performed its own sighting operation. No difficulties were encountered. Bombing results were not observed because of the undercast.

Flak was light and no craft sustained damage.

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